reading and decrypting the final result
Finally, the owner of the secret key retrieves, decrypts and prints the final answer as follow:
int main() {
//reads the cloud key from file
FILE* secret_key = fopen("secret.key","rb");
TFheGateBootstrappingSecretKeySet* key = new_tfheGateBootstrappingSecretKeySet_fromFile(secret_key);
//if necessary, the params are inside the key
const TFheGateBootstrappingParameterSet* params = key->params;
//read the 16 ciphertexts of the result
LweSample* answer = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, params);
//import the 32 ciphertexts from the answer file
FILE* answer_data = fopen("","rb");
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
import_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_fromFile(answer_data, &answer[i], params);
//decrypt and rebuild the 16-bit plaintext answer
int16_t int_answer = 0;
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
int ai = bootsSymDecrypt(&answer[i], key);
int_answer |= (ai<<i);
printf("And the result is: %d\n",int_answer);
printf("I hope you remember what was the question!\n");
//clean up all pointers
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, answer);
tutorial intro - Step 1: alice.c - Step 2: cloud.c - Step 3: verif.c - the full API