evaluating a circuit
The owner of the cloud key can evaluate boolean gates over ciphertexts. The simplest way is to construct your full circuit hierarchically. The following C code shows how you can code a circuit that does the minimum between two 16-bit integers.
// elementary full comparator gate that is used to compare the i-th bit:
// input: ai and bi the i-th bit of a and b
// lsb_carry: the result of the comparison on the lowest bits
// algo: if (a==b) return lsb_carry else return b
void compare_bit(LweSample* result, const LweSample* a, const LweSample* b, const LweSample* lsb_carry, LweSample* tmp, const TFheGateBootstrappingCloudKeySet* bk) {
bootsXNOR(tmp, a, b, bk);
bootsMUX(result, tmp, lsb_carry, a, bk);
// this function compares two multibit words, and puts the max in result
void minimum(LweSample* result, const LweSample* a, const LweSample* b, const int nb_bits, const TFheGateBootstrappingCloudKeySet* bk) {
LweSample* tmps = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(2, bk->params);
//initialize the carry to 0
bootsCONSTANT(&tmps[0], 0, bk);
//run the elementary comparator gate n times
for (int i=0; i<nb_bits; i++) {
compare_bit(&tmps[0], &a[i], &b[i], &tmps[0], &tmps[1], bk);
//tmps[0] is the result of the comparaison: 0 if a is larger, 1 if b is larger
//select the max and copy it to the result
for (int i=0; i<nb_bits; i++) {
bootsMUX(&result[i], &tmps[0], &b[i], &a[i], bk);
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(2, tmps);
importing ciphertexts, and performing computations
Now that we have a circuit, let us put everything together in a program that first imports the coud key and encrypted input data, calls the homomorphic circuit, and exports the result to a file.
int main() {
//reads the cloud key from file
FILE* cloud_key = fopen("cloud.key","rb");
TFheGateBootstrappingCloudKeySet* bk = new_tfheGateBootstrappingCloudKeySet_fromFile(cloud_key);
//if necessary, the params are inside the key
const TFheGateBootstrappingParameterSet* params = bk->params;
//read the 2x16 ciphertexts
LweSample* ciphertext1 = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, params);
LweSample* ciphertext2 = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, params);
//reads the 2x16 ciphertexts from the cloud file
FILE* cloud_data = fopen("cloud.data","rb");
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) import_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_fromFile(cloud_data, &ciphertext1[i], params);
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) import_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_fromFile(cloud_data, &ciphertext2[i], params);
//do some operations on the ciphertexts: here, we will compute the
//minimum of the two
LweSample* result = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, params);
minimum(result, ciphertext1, ciphertext2, 16, bk);
//export the 32 ciphertexts to a file (for the cloud)
FILE* answer_data = fopen("answer.data","wb");
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) export_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_toFile(answer_data, &result[i], params);
//clean up all pointers
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, result);
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, ciphertext2);
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, ciphertext1);
tutorial intro - Step 1: alice.c - Step 2: cloud.c - Step 3: verif.c - the full API