Generating and saving parameters and keys
In order to use the library, you first need to generate a secret key and a cloud key. The following C example code shows how to do it. The secret key (here, the file secret.key) must remain private, whereas its corresponding cloud key (cloud.key) can safely be sent to the cloud.
#include <tfhe/tfhe.h>
#include <tfhe/tfhe_io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
//generate a keyset
const int minimum_lambda = 110;
TFheGateBootstrappingParameterSet* params = new_default_gate_bootstrapping_parameters(minimum_lambda);
//generate a random key
uint32_t seed[] = { 314, 1592, 657 };
TFheGateBootstrappingSecretKeySet* key = new_random_gate_bootstrapping_secret_keyset(params);
//export the secret key to file for later use
FILE* secret_key = fopen("secret.key","wb");
export_tfheGateBootstrappingSecretKeySet_toFile(secret_key, key);
//export the cloud key to a file (for the cloud)
FILE* cloud_key = fopen("cloud.key","wb");
export_tfheGateBootstrappingCloudKeySet_toFile(cloud_key, &key->cloud);
//you can put additional instructions here!!
//clean up all pointers
Encrypting data and exporting ciphertexts
The owner of the secret key can encrypt bits. The following C code shows how to encrypt the 16-bit integer 2017 and 42, and to export the ciphertexts to a file (here, You may for instance put this code inside the previous file.
//generate encrypt the 16 bits of 2017
int16_t plaintext1 = 2017;
LweSample* ciphertext1 = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, params);
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
bootsSymEncrypt(&ciphertext1[i], (plaintext1>>i)&1, key);
//generate encrypt the 16 bits of 42
int16_t plaintext2 = 42;
LweSample* ciphertext2 = new_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, params);
for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
bootsSymEncrypt(&ciphertext2[i], (plaintext2>>i)&1, key);
printf("Hi there! Today, I will ask the cloud what is the minimum between %d and %d\n",plaintext1, plaintext2);
//export the 2x16 ciphertexts to a file (for the cloud)
FILE* cloud_data = fopen("","wb");
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
export_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_toFile(cloud_data, &ciphertext1[i], params);
for (int i=0; i<16; i++)
export_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_toFile(cloud_data, &ciphertext2[i], params);
//clean up all pointers
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, ciphertext2);
delete_gate_bootstrapping_ciphertext_array(16, ciphertext1);
tutorial intro - Step 1: alice.c - Step 2: cloud.c - Step 3: verif.c - the full API